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11 to 20 of 116 Results
Sep 18, 2023
Valerie Graw, 2023, "High Agricultural Potential and Yield Gaps in Bangladesh, 2005-2010.", https://doi.org/10.60507/FK2/OKY4X6, bonndata, V1
Overlay of medium, high and very high agricultural potential and yield gaps for Bangladesh. Indicators: Suitability of land area for rainfed crops: FGGD map 6.60, classes: medium to very high Yield Gaps: FAO/IIASA - GAEZ < 0.5 The here presented simple analysis should give insigh...
Sep 18, 2023
Christine Husmann, 2023, "Ethnic fractionalization in Ethiopia and their coincidence with marginality hotspots, 2007", https://doi.org/10.60507/FK2/NA7AGS, bonndata, V1
This map shows ethnic fractionalization. The Ethnic Fractionalization Index is calculated using data from the 2007 Population and Housing Census. The striped areas show where marginality hotspots are. The map reveals that marginality hotspots are ethnically more homogeneous than...
Sep 18, 2023
Amit Kumar Srivastava, 2023, "Daily climate data from Sunyani, Ghana, 1974-2006", https://doi.org/10.60507/FK2/0NPWOS, bonndata, V1
The table includes the daily values of Temperature, Rain, Sunshine, Wind speed, Relative humidity. Quality/Lineage: Source of the data: Ghana Meteorological Services Department
Sep 18, 2023
Javier Miranda, 2023, "Agricultural System in Mato Grosso, Brazil, 2006", https://doi.org/10.60507/FK2/WQ1EAY, bonndata, V1
Tropical forest loss remains a major environmental trade-off vis-à-vis the provision of food, feed, fiber, and bioenergy for an increasingly affluent world population. The effectiveness of agricultural intensification as a key strategy to manage and mitigate this trade-off is, ho...
Sep 18, 2023
José Luis Viveros Añorve, 2023, "Macroeconomic model (GAMS) for poverty reduction in Mexico", https://doi.org/10.60507/FK2/CNOY41, bonndata, V1
A Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model in a bottom-up approach - based on microfoundations - and a Social Accounting Matrix (SAM) for the regional economy of Chiapas are built. Methodology: This research applies a Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model. It is a system o...
Sep 18, 2023
Amit Kumar Basukala, 2023, "Economic Decline and Poverty, Economic Indicator (Fragile state Index) 2018", https://doi.org/10.60507/FK2/NRJ3DQ, bonndata, V1
The Economic Decline Indicator considers factors related to economic decline within a country. For example, the Indicator looks at patterns of progressive economic decline of the society as a whole as measured by per capita income, Gross National Product, unemployment rates, infl...
Sep 18, 2023
Amit Kumar Basukala, 2023, "Public Services, Political Indicator (Fragile state Index) 2018", https://doi.org/10.60507/FK2/TJ9TFU, bonndata, V1
The Public Services Indicator refers to the presence of basic state functions that serve the people. On the one hand, this may include the provision of essential services, such as health, education, water and sanitation, transport infrastructure, electricity and power, and intern...
Sep 18, 2023
Amit Kumar Basukala, 2023, "Group Grievance, Cohesion Indicator (Fragile state Index) 2018", https://doi.org/10.60507/FK2/4ZQ00S, bonndata, V1
The Group Grievance Indicator focuses on divisions and schisms between different groups in society – particularly divisions based on social or political characteristics – and their role in access to services or resources, and inclusion in the political process. Group Grievance ma...
Sep 18, 2023
Amit Kumar Srivastava, 2023, "Daily climate data Ashanti and Brong-Ahanfo regions, Ghana,1992-2007", https://doi.org/10.60507/FK2/03ZGYW, bonndata, V1
The table includes the daily values of Precipitation,Temperature Max and Min,Radiation, Wind speed.
Sep 18, 2023
Amit Kumar Srivastava, 2023, "Daily climate data from Kumasi, Ghana, 1960-2005", https://doi.org/10.60507/FK2/TQYQQS, bonndata, V1
The table includes the daily values of Temperature (min. & max.), Rain, Sunshine hours, Relative humidity. Quality/Lineage: Source of the data: Ghana Meteorological Services Department.
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