This dataset contains pandas DataFrames that represent filtered versions of CMS Open Data (in the form of ROOT files) available on the CERN OpenData Portal. This dataset specifically contains data from a DYToMuMu process (Drell-Yan process resulting in two Muons in the final state), which is a simulated process created during the 2012 LHC run. A total of 121 (99 for real collision data) relevant variables are contained in the filtered pandas DataFrames that can be found here. A list of variables can be found below, for a full explanation of them, please refer to the following paper (PLACEHOLDER, REFERENCE PAPER HERE): nEvent, runNum, lumisection, evtNum; nMuon, vecMuon_PT, vecMuon_Eta, vecMuon_Phi, vecMuon_PTErr, vecMuon_Q, vecMuon_StaPt, vecMuon_StaEta, vecMuon_StaPhi, vecMuon_TrkIso03, vecMuon_EcalIso03, vecMuon_HcalIso03; nVertex, vecVertex_nTracksfit, vecVertex_ndof, vecVertex_Chi2, vecVertex_X, vecVertex_Y, vecVertex_Z; nEle, vecEle_PT, vecEle_Eta, vecEle_Phi, vecEle_Q, vecEle_TrkIso03, vecEle_EcalIso03, vecEle_HcalIso03, vecEle_D0, vecEle_Dz; nTau, vecTau_PT, vecTau_Eta, vecTau_Phi, vecTau_Q, vecTau_RawIso3Hits, vecTau_RawIsoMVA3oldDMwoLT, vecTau_RawIsoMVA3oldDMwLT, vecTau_RawIsoMVA3newDMwoLT, vecTau_RawIsoMVA3newDMwLT; nPhoton, vecPhoton_PT, vecPhoton_Eta, vecPhoton_Phi, vecPhoton_Hovere, vecPhoton_Sthovere, vecPhoton_HasPixelSeed, vecPhoton_IsConv, vecPhoton_PassElectronVeto; nMctruth, vecMctruth_PT, vecMctruth_Eta, vecMctruth_Phi, vecMctruth_Id_1, vecMctruth_Id_2, vecMctruth_X_1, vecMctruth_X_2, vecMctruth_PdgId, vecMctruth_Status, vecMctruth_Y, vecMctruth_Mass, vecMctruth_Mothers.first, vecMctruth_Mothers.second; nJets, vecJet_PT, vecJet_Eta, vecJet_Phi, vecJet_D0, vecJet_Dz, vecJet_nCharged, vecJet_nNeutrals, vecJet_nParticles, vecJet_Beta, vecJet_BetaStar, vecJet_dR2Mean, vecJet_Q, vecJet_Mass, vecJet_Area, vecJet_Energy, vecJet_chEmEnergy, vecJet_neuEmEnergy, vecJet_chHadEnergy, vecJet_neuHadEnergy, vecJet_ID, vecJet_Num, vecJet_mcFlavor, vecJet_GenPT, vecJet_GenEta, vecJet_GenPhi, vecJet_GenMass, vecJet_flavorMatchPT, vecJet_JEC, vecJet_MatchIdx; nPF, vecPF_PT, vecPF_Eta, vecPF_Phi, vecPF_Mass, vecPF_E, vecPF_Q, vecPF_PfType, vecPF_EcalE, vecPF_HcalE, vecPF_ndof, vecPF_Chi2, vecPF_pvId, vecPF_X, vecPF_Y, vecPF_Z, vecPF_JetNum; fMET_PT, fMET_Eta, fMET_Phi; HLT_Mu17_Mu8, HLT_Mu24, HLT_MET120_v, HLT_Ele27, HLT_HT350. For the datasets containing data from real collisions at the LHC, the following variables are NOT contained: nMctruth, vecMctruth_PT, vecMctruth_Eta, vecMctruth_Phi, vecMctruth_Id_1, vecMctruth_Id_2, vecMctruth_X_1, vecMctruth_X_2, vecMctruth_PdgId, vecMctruth_Status, vecMctruth_Y, vecMctruth_Mass, vecMctruth_Mothers.first, vecMctruth_Mothers.second; vecJet_mcFlavor, vecJet_GenPT, vecJet_GenEta, vecJet_GenPhi, vecJet_GenMass, vecJet_flavorMatchPT, vecJet_JEC, vecJet_MatchIdx